XG Concrete™ fills gaps in concrete mixtures to reduce incidents of cracking and degradation. Structures made with even small amounts of XG Concrete™ have significantly prolonged structure life due to strengthened bonds as well as large reductions in structural losses, moisture absorption, and crack propagation. Formerly known as G&P® Concrete Additive.
performance enhancements in various concrete mixtures, including pre-cast applications, repair material improvements, DIY projects
"XG Sciences brings advanced materials expertise through its graphene nanoplatelet technology and their use in XG Concrete, delivering improved performance and ease of adoption in cementitious applications." -Retrieved 1/31/2020 from https://xgsciences.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/XGSciences_Cenostar_Distributor-PressRel-FINAL-093019.pdf
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